Amateur Radio News and Information rss
04-26-18  Why Experts Say We Should All Pay More...

For all our space probes and research missions, we're still learning how solar flares and other space weather can cause trouble here on Earth. "Geomagnetic activity...

04-26-18  DX News -- ARRL DX Bulletin #18:

This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by The Daily DX, the OPDX Bulletin, 425 DX News, DXNL, Contest Corral from QST and the ARRL Contest...

04-24-18  RSGB 2018 Convention Booking Now:

Bookings for the RSGB 2018 Convention are now open. The event takes place from 12 to 14 October 2018 and there will be topics to cater for all tastes and at all levels...

04-24-18  King's High School ARISS Contact on BBC TV:

On April 19 student Eleanor Griffin led the live question and answer session between King's High School and Warwick Preparatory School (GB4KHS) and astronaut Ricky...

04-24-18  Ham Talk Live! -- BONUS: WMPLOTA:

Thursday night (4/25) at 7 PM Eastern, there's a BONUS mini episode of Ham Talk Live! before our regular show this week. WMPLOTA fever is crossing the globe! We...

04-23-18  Visitors Tune Into Amateur Radio Stations at...

PARMA, Ohio -- A couple of slender, temporary towers stood in a grassy field at Stearns Homestead April 21 while members of the Parma Radio Club operated some amateur...

04-23-18  Do Ham Radios Really Slow Wi‑Fi?

Your reader's letter (April 8) claimed the neighbour's ham radio aerial affects his wi-fi. This is highly unlikely. The Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB) suggests...