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04-19-24  Fri 19 April 24 - 15m band - On Air -10:00 UTC...

SFI is 227 with low A and K and no geomagnetic storm forecast. In theory it should be a good day. I am calling with a G sign / P - portable from UK south and I expect...

04-19-24  Patch issue

Just noticed this while playing back thru Trunking Recorder from SDRTrunk 0.6.0 Beta1 DSDPlus and Unitrunker are not indicating any active patch, and, county buses...

04-19-24  Tough 2 meter antenna request

Hi all! I know that this may be a tough one. My Sister WD8HU Mary is a disabled person who lives in an apartment. I set her up with a diamond mag mount antenna with a...

04-19-24  Anytone 878UVII - only hearing parts of...

Newer to DMR using an Anytone 878 UVII Local org uses DMR for communications, set as a group call, everyone using the same talk group, slot, and color code across...

04-19-24  Anne Arundel County Radio System Upgrade

I thought it would be a good idea to have a dedicated thread to discuss the Anne Arundel County Radio System Upgrade over the next couple years. 48 Million Public...

04-19-24  900 Khz in the Miami area

I am receiving a Haitian FR radio station in South Florida. Can anyone confirm for me that the station is WSWN in Belle Glade Fl., formally a gospel radio station. I...

04-19-24  KDFtool/KFDshield timeout

Hi all, I have been burning for one of the KFDtools but since parts availability is zero, I haven't been able to get my hands on one until I found out about KFDshield....

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